Postgraduate training course in Advanced oral surgery e Surgical Anatomy
Sidney 07-14-gennaio 2023
Unire una formazione chirurgica di alta qualità a un’esperienza di otto giorni in una delle più belle città del mondo ci sembrava un sogno irrealizzabile, specie alla luce delle restrizioni cui questi anni di pandemia ci hanno abituato.
L’ossessione per le sfide apparentemente impossibili e la ricerca di nuove opportunità formative, ci ha tuttavia suggerito percorsi che mai avremmo immaginato.
E così, ispirati dalla brillante proposta del Prof. Alessandro Quaranta e della dottoressa Lizzy Hui, ci siamo aperti alla possibilità di un’occasione più unica che rara: visitare Sydney nel pieno dell’estate australiana e allo stesso tempo imparare a padroneggiare la tecniche di chirurgia orale, direttamente su preparati umani.
Non sono certo mancate le difficoltà: organizzare un corso di alto profilo, cercando di coniugare esigenze logistiche a contenimento dei costi è stata una impresa titanica. Alla fine di questi lunghi mesi di preparativi, possiamo affermare che l’Australasian Institute of Postgraduate Dentistry ha brillantemente superato ogni ostacolo, offrendoci una proposta cui noi, come Toothem, non ci siamo lasciati sfuggire.
Ed eccoci quindi arrivati a questa prima edizione di un’avventura, che siamo certi, finirà per diventare una tappa fissa del nostro calendario formativo.
Infine non possiamo non menzionare il supporto fondamentale della PRODENT Italia, cui va la nostra riconoscenza per aver creduto senza esitazione nel progetto.
Cosa dire di più… ti aspettiamo a bordo!
Sabato 7 Gennaio
venerdì 28 ottobre – sabato 29 ottobre
- Arrivo in albergo e check in.
Domenica 8 Gennaio
- Visita di Sydney e Team Building
Lunedì 9 Gennaio
Presentazione e discussione di argomenti di interesse clinico e pratico :
- Lembi e suture
- Strumentario chirurgico
- Osteointegrazione
- Chirurgica implantare di base
- Alveolar Ridge Preservation e GBR
- Sinus lift
- Lembi di accesso in parodontologiae chirurgia orale
- Allungamento di corona clinica
- Terapia postoperatoria
Martedì 10 Gennaio
- Hands on su modellini pre-clinici (preparati animali e modellini implantari)
- Anatomia chirurgica e briefing riguardo i giorni 3 e 4
Mercoledì 11 – Giovedì 12 Gennaio
Macquarie University Hospital Clinic
- Hands on su cadavere: Identificazione di strutture anatomiche di interesse
- tecniche di chirurgia orale, parodontale ed implantare
Venerdì 13 Gennaio
- Debriefing riguardo l’attività’ hands-on
- tecniche di chirurgia orale, parodontale ed implantare
- Discussione casi clinici e conclusione del corso
- Cena sociale e cerimonia di consegna diplomi
Sabato 14 Gennaio
- Check out e Rientro in Italia
Professor Alessandro Quaranta
Professor Alessandro Quaranta.
DDS (Hons) (UTorVergata, Rome, Italy)
PhD (USapienza, Rome, Italy)
Spec. Dent. (USapienza, Rome, Italy), ASITP (SUNY, USA)
FPFA, FICD, MRACDS (Perio). Specialist in Periodontics
Clinical Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Sydney
Professor of Dentistry (Hab. ASN MIUR, Italy )
Professor Alessandro (Alex) Quaranta is a Specialist Periodontist and Clinical Professor at the School of Dentistry, University of Sydney. He is one of the founding directors of the Australasian Institute of Postgraduate Dentistry, a private educational institute focused on clinical training in dentistry and oral health He maintains a private practice position as Chief Clinical
Consultant and Scientific Education Coordinator of the Smile Specialist Suite, Newcastle and the Smile Specialist Suite, Neutral Bay (Sydney, NSW). In 2019, he has been awarded the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) from the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) which qualifies for a Full Professorship position in Italy. From 2018 to 2020, he has been the Professor of Periodontics at the School of Dentistry and Oral Health of the Griffith University, Queensland where he also served as the Director of the Specialist Program (Doctor of Clinical Dentistry).
Previously, he has been the Lead of the Discipline of Periodontics Implantology at the University of Western Australia (UWA), one of Group of Eight Australia’s leading research-intensive universities, where he was the Founding Leader of the
UWA Research Program in Oral Implantology and Periodontics. From 2016 to 2018 he also coordinated the Specialist
Clinical Service in Periodontics and Implantology of the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia, the only public state specialist service in Periodontics of the whole WA State. He has also worked as Senior Lecturer at the prestigious University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Over the years, Prof. Quaranta has actively conducted research in the broad fields of periimplant tissues, post-extraction implants, bone to implant interface, alveolar ridge preservation, periodontal regeneration, implant surfaces, immediate loading, non-surgical periodontal therapy and systematic reviews in Implant Dentistry and Periodontology. His research and clinical work have succeeded in the publication of more than 180 Research outposts, of which more than 120 are full text scientific articles.
Alex is husband of Dr Lizzy Hui, a brilliant Periodontist and father of Leonardo, a gorgeous toddler
Dr. Wang Lai HUI (Lizzy)
Dr. Wang Lai HUI (Lizzy)
BDS (UOtago, NZ), MScMed (Pain Mgt) (USyd),
DClinDent (Perio) (GriffithU), MRACDS (Perio)
Dr Lizzy Hui is a Specialist periodontist and the Founding Director of the Smile Specialists Suite, one of the premium Periodontics and Implant Dentistry in Newcastle and Sydney, NSW.
She is also one of the Founding Directors of the Australasian Institute of Postgraduate Dentistry.
Born in Hong Kong, Lizzy moved to New Zealand at the age of 17 after the completion of her HKCEE public exam. Having completed her final year of High School in Tauranga, New Zealand with scholarships from the government under her belt, she went to the University of Otago, Dunedin to embrace the cold and began her journey of Dentistry. Five years later she
graduated as a dentist with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and moved to NSW, Australia.
Dr. Lizzy Hui has then built up her clinical experience via a vast background of working in both metropolitan and regional private practices across NSW and WA. Furthermore, Lizzy managed to enrol herself and completed a Master of Medical
Science in Pain Management from the University of Sydney under the radar of her already busy full-time work. In 2014, Lizzy has found a lovely community in Thirroul, Wollongong and decided to settle in by opening up her own general dental practice.
An important time point of her career path is when Dr. Lizzy Hui decided to take her profession to a higher level and pursue further Specialty training in Periodontics and Implantology. In January, 2017, Lizzy moved to the Gold Coast and accepted the offer of a full-time Periodontics Program by the Griffith University. She has also commenced part-time work in practices
at Robina, Gold Coast and Indooroopilly, Brisbane. Moreover, Dr. Hui has been teaching as a clinical supervisor for the dental program at the Griffith University and more recently at the University of Sydney preparing the new generation of dentist joining the profession.
Despite the demands of her busy yet productive lifestyle, Lizzy is always travelling with her husband and baby Leonardo all around the world; speaking and participating in conferences, at both national and international levels.
Dott. Orlando D’Isidoro, DDS
Dott. Orlando D’Isidoro, DDS
Dr D’Isidoro graduated in Dentistry at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy where he completed further post graduate training in Periodontics and Implantology under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Piemontese and Prof. Alessandro Quaranta.
In 2014 he established his private practice in Silvi Marina, Italy as owner and principal dentist. Over the years, by attending numerous courses, he has completed further advanced training in Periodontal surgery, Advanced Implantology and Oral surgery.
Dr. D’Isidoro has been regularly involved in research projects as free-lancer and external collaborator at the Dental School of the University of Western Australia and Griffith University. These projects have resulted in the publication of numerous research outposts as main and co-author which were published on national and international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has been an active member of the MIS implants Study club in Abruzzo, Italy and he is regularly invited as a lecturer in national conferences
In 2021, together with Dr. Filippo Chelli and Dr. Tommaso Bologna, he has founded the Scientific Association “Odontoiatria Pratica”, which he has also directed as President. Odontoiatria
Pratica is committed to provide excellence in continuing education for graduate dentists. Dr D’isidoro is also a faculty supervisor in the Discipline of Oral Surgery, periodontics and Implantology for Toothem.
Il corso è aperto a un massimo di 20 partecipanti
Il corso è aperto a un massimo di 20 partecipanti e le iscrizioni si intenderanno perfezionate contestualmente al versamento della quota di acconto.
La quota comprende i materiali chirurgici e didattici, i lunch e i coffee break.
€ 3900
ACCONTO: € 1500
Smile Specialists Suite PTY Ltd
Suite 206, 40 Yeo Street, 2089 NSW
NUMERO DEL CONTO (in Australia non si utilizza IBAN):
BSB: 082-514 Account number: 186853967
NAB North Sydney 105 Miller St, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Acconto: “AIPD Registration Fee Course Jan 2023 Deposit”
Saldo: “AIPD Registration Fee Course Jan 2023 Final Payment”
Maggiori info
- Via Domenico Collina 19 Porto San Giorgio - FM-
- +30 346 1656759